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===== Practice of Special Theory of Macroeconomics (STM) ===== //Here we will give a lot more of example and hints how to use. Stay tuned.// --- //[[heribert.genreith@t-online.de|Heribert Genreith]] 2012/03/30 14:54// ===== Practice of General Theory of Macroeconomics (GTM) ===== //Here we will give a lot more of example and hints how to use. Stay tuned.// --- //[[heribert.genreith@t-online.de|Heribert Genreith]] 2012/03/30 14:54// ===== Samples for Practice ===== Field theory of Macroeconomics can be used for virtually all practical purpose of economy, finance and politics. Some small samples can be found in the german book as well as on my blog site. === Sample One === Why don't [[classical growth models|classical growth models]] work reliable? //Here we will give a lot more of example and hints how to use. Stay tuned.// --- //[[heribert.genreith@t-online.de|Heribert Genreith]] 2012/03/30 14:54//

practice_specials.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2012/10/05 01:23 (Externe Bearbeitung)
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